Cold Spring Silver Springers

Playoffs Stats (Leaders)

All | Regular Season | Playoffs
Note: A minimum of 1 plate appearances are needed to qualify for calculated batting statistics.
Stolen Bases SB
1. Chad Hess 1
2. Greg Terres 1
3. Rod Schafer 1
4. Derek Falde 0
5. Todd Steil 0
Caught Stealing CS
1. Greg Bemboom 0
2. Chad Hess 0
3. Tim Martin 0
4. Rod Schafer 0
5. Todd Steil 0
Sacrifice Hits (Bunts) SH
1. Greg Bemboom 1
2. Chad Hess 1
3. Rod Schafer 1
4. Derek Falde 1
5. Todd Steil 0
Bases on Balls (Walks) BB
1. Greg Bemboom 2
2. Greg Terres 2
3. Mike Arnold 1
4. Rod Schafer 1
5. Todd Steil 1
Intentional Bases on Balls (Walks) IBB
1. Greg Bemboom
2. Chad Hess
3. Tim Martin
4. Rod Schafer
5. Todd Steil
Batting Average AVG
1. Brent Schloe .625
2. Todd Steil .417
3. Derek Falde .364
4. Andy Auger .333
5. Greg Terres .308
On-Base Percentage OBP
1. Brent Schloe .625
2. Greg Terres .400
3. Todd Steil .400
4. Derek Falde .364
5. Greg Bemboom .357
Slugging Percentage SLG
1. Brent Schloe .875
2. Greg Terres .692
3. Todd Steil .500
4. Derek Falde .455
5. Greg Bemboom .417
On-Base plus Slugging Percentage OPS
1. Brent Schloe 1.500
2. Greg Terres 1.092
3. Todd Steil .900
4. Derek Falde .818
5. Greg Bemboom .774
Note: A minimum of 4 inning(s) pitched are needed to qualify for calculated pitching statistics.
Games Started GS
1. Joe Kounkel 3
2. Andy Auger 1
Complete Games CG
1. Joe Kounkel 3
2. Andy Auger 0
Shutouts SHO
1. Joe Kounkel 1
2. Andy Auger 0
Innings Pitched IP
1. Joe Kounkel 21.2
2. Andy Auger 6.1
Earned Runs ER
1. Joe Kounkel 6
2. Andy Auger 4
Bases on Balls (Walks) BB
1. Andy Auger 4
2. Joe Kounkel 1
Strikeouts SO
1. Joe Kounkel 10
2. Andy Auger 7
At Bats - official at bats AB
1. Joe Kounkel 84
2. Andy Auger 24
Wild Pitches WP
1. Andy Auger 0
2. Joe Kounkel 0
Hit By Pitch HBP
1. Andy Auger 1
2. Joe Kounkel 0
Earned Run Average ERA
1. Joe Kounkel 2.49
2. Andy Auger 5.68
Walks/Hits per Innings Pitched WHIP
1. Joe Kounkel 0.92
2. Andy Auger 1.58